Hopeless Romantic: One that lives with hope of finding a romance beyond the ages, sending butterflies through your stomach, heart pounding, can’t live without each other kind of love.
Hi Bettie Bookworm here; and I am a hopeless romantic. Whether I have chosen to deny it for so long I figured it is time to admit the inevitable. I hope for a love that will last beyond my lifetime; a love that people will talk about long after we have both left this physical realm. You are probably wondering why the heck is she admitting this now? Well here is why, I am lonely. As hard as that is to admit to the unknown universe that is the blogosphere, or just admit in general, being lonely is part of life. Being a hopeless romantic just seems to make things worse. I want to desperately find that someone that will love me for me, despite all my baggage , despite the scars that bare with me forever . I want a never ending love, and boy knowing that makes me lonely.
So obviously on this hunt to find the right man to accompany me on this crazy life adventure , I decided to put myself out there. Boy was that difficult. How does one pinup gal find someone special out there these days? Well to be honest the answer is online dating, app dating, and hoping that the cute guy you meet at the bar isn’t just trying to get it in. Come on is romance really dead? Why is there no in between from just wanting to bang you and wanting to meet your parents after the first date? I mean come on world, what the hell is going on with this game you call love?

This hopeless romantic gal is gonna try to stick it out , hoping my spark is out there somewhere. Being hopeless is rather tiring, I hope this doesn’t take too long. I am saying it loud and clear people. I AM SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR LOVE. Not just a booty call. With that I suppose my dating, love and romantic rant will come to a close for now. Hope I didn’t embarrass myself too badly in the process. Who knows, maybe there is a guy out there reading this blog post right now thinking, “ man I gotta find me this woman.” Here’s hoping right?
Bettie Bookworm