First response would probably be a long the lines of "what the hell".. Well you are in luck! This post has nothing to do with my undying love for Movie Musicals and Broadway. Whether you grew up loving musicals, or for some reason you have a resounding hate for them, we all know that Sound of Music is a classic. Now you can admit that Julia Andrews is a dream, and you want to whisk your way to Germany and Austria. But I digress... This post is a little insight in a few of my favorite places to get my pinup clothing, hair products I use to style my hair, and some of my top make up brands I use in front or every day life. Woo that is a lot to go over.. but away we go !
First things first ! CLOTHING..
One can't just walk out the house naked( well we hope). Pin-Up fashion is diverse and there are many sub group among the community, but that is another post down the road. I personally fall into the more modern interpretation of a classic 1940/50s look. Lots of swing dresses and skirts, pin stripe stockings and victory curls. I wear a lot of fun patterns and different cuts in order to have a kiche vibe to how I present my style. Occasionally there is a vampy side, but that is for special occasions. In terms of locations of where I get all my goodies, if you don't feel like driving down to Burbank, or flying out to California, online is the way to go.
Some of the top places are as follows:
Unique Vintage:
Pinup Girl Clothing:
Doll Me Up:
Pigtails and Pirates:
Steady Clothing:
Zulily: They sometimes have great one day sales of Pinup brands
Heart of Haute:
These are just to name a few, the list is really endless. You can find brands on their own websites, through third party sellers, conferences and meet ups. They are absolutely all over the place, which is awful for your wallet. Most if not all are great have having sales and promo codes, but most are gonna range in the 50s-100s when it comes to pricing. The deals are out there you just have to search for them a little. I have a few go to brands that I tend to wear more often than not, since they fit my body type. I have a curvy body that even grandma asks where I got them. So I tend to like things that fit in my waist, hold all the girls in place and not hug un wanted rolls. Some of these brands include Bernie Dexter, Heart of Haute, The Oblong Box, Unique Vintage Brand, and Rock Steady. Shoes range in size and I have a little bit of an obsession so I am not even going to jump off that ledge until asked.
Now for the fun stuff HAIR and MAKEUP!
Beyond clothing I definitely spend a lot of time doing my hair and make up. For Hair I use the usual drug store brands. Batiste for dry shampoo, Big Sexy Hair hair spray, and store bought teasing combs and brushes. I do occasionally use woman pomade to help sculpt particular hair styles, that is mostly for extra hold, for that I use Suavicita . I use the every day standard curling irons 3/4 inch and 5/8th, both purchased at CVS pharmacy. I have yet to really experiment with leave in curlers, but that will be a fun fiasco for later. The less money you spend on efficient hair supplies the more money you can spend on the important things, like makeup!
Make up is like paint, you can blend colors, match tones, bring out and hide features. Based on my collection I could paint for an entire art museum, one could say I may have a makeup addiction. I shop at palaces like Sephora and Ulta to gather most of my makeup collection. But once I found the brands that work best for me I buy directly from their websites and retailers. Some of the top brands that I wear are Urban Decay and Estee Lauder for foundation (but honestly that changes) , contour kits from Anastasia Beverly Hills and Kat Von Dee, blush from all over the spectrum( same with Highlighters), and liquid lipsticks from Jeffree Starr Cosmetics. But the best part about all of it, is you can change things up! You can try new brands and new combinations of things and live a little. Part of the fun.. well most of the fun is the trial and error period. Some may disagree about the error part, and there will be a lot, but part of learning is getting out there and trying new things. I was a self taught make up fiend, no one in my family really taught me or even allowed to wear make up for most of my life. I didn't start really experimenting until my now sister-in-law came into the picture. Her addiction and experimentation eventually started rubbing off on me and well the rest is history. Now it is one of my talents I am most proud of, that and my ability to tease the living life force out of my hair to make it high and sculpted. The higher the hair the closer to heaven.. or so they say. There will be more details on the step by steps that I take to produce some of my looks but this post has gone on forever and you probably got bored a few years ago, I mean words ago. So with that I say , don't hestitate to contact me with questions or if you want to share your finds! I am happy to be a fellow pinup sister.
With Love,
Miss Lil' Librarian
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