You are probably reading this and asking yourself, who on earth is this woman, and why should I care about reading some word on the inter web. Well let me take this opportunity to introduce myself.
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Hey Guys and Dolls!
My name is Stephanie, aka Miss Bettie Bookworm. Bakers Daughter, Drunken Italian Man's niece, wine aficionado, and avid book hoarder. A small town girl , that made it out yet oddly enough went full circle and ended up back at the beginning. For a woman only in her 20s I have had man job titles, and that's only the beginning of my working career. Still working on what my next steps will be when it comes to jobs, careers, or just making money to survive; all I know is working hard not matter the job is important, and generally being a kind person will help you market yourself to make moves. Enough of that, let me get back to talking about myself, like I am creating my dating profile.
For as long as I can remember there has been odd obsession flowing through my soul that I can't help but resonate with a few past decades. The 1940s, 50s' and the early 60s continue to describe me; from my personality and fashion choices, to my taste in movies to watch. The concept of an old soul has never felt so real until you ask me what would be my go to music choice to make myself feel better after a long day. I know many of you will roll your eyes and think that is such a cliche; but when you know all the words to Frank Sinatra songs, and turn on swing music to cook a meal to there is something that just lights up within a person that truly loves an era. Yes, I will admit, there is no era that is great, and there is a term of Golden Age Syndrome I believe, where one believe other decades are better than others, but go ahead and hate me for trying to bleed a past life with a more evolved present.
An old soul with a desperate need to be creative led me to decide to take the ever ridiculous leap and start something such as this... A Blog. I stick my toes in many different lakes, ponds and oceans of creativity and decided to combine them in one place. Whether it's a free writing rant, a photo montage, pin-up tips /tricks and style choices or just discussing a new book I have read, only time will tell. With that, I will finish the wordy introduction for now, and only time and the patients will allow you into this pin-ups personality.
With Love,
Miss Lil' Librarian
If you can't beat them, just dance!

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Let me introduce myself...
About Bettie Bookworm
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