If you can't beat them, just dance!

If you can't beat them, just dance!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hopeless Romantic

Hopeless Romantic: One that lives with hope of finding a romance beyond the ages, sending butterflies through your stomach, heart pounding, can’t live without each other kind of love.  

Hi Bettie Bookworm here; and I am a hopeless romantic. Whether I have chosen to deny it for so long I figured it is time to admit the inevitable. I hope for a love that will last beyond my lifetime; a love that people will talk about long after we have both left this physical realm. You are probably wondering why the heck is she admitting this now? Well here is why, I am lonely. As hard as that is to admit to the unknown universe that is the blogosphere, or just admit in general, being lonely is part of life. Being a hopeless romantic just seems to make things worse. I want to desperately find that someone that will love me for me, despite all my baggage , despite the scars that  bare with me forever . I want a never ending love, and boy knowing that makes me lonely.

So obviously on this hunt to find the right man to accompany  me on this crazy life adventure , I decided to put myself out there. Boy was that difficult. How does one pinup gal find someone special out there these days? Well to be honest the answer is online dating, app dating, and hoping that the cute guy you meet at the bar isn’t just trying to get it in. Come on is romance really dead? Why is there no in between from just wanting to bang you and wanting to meet your parents after the first date? I mean come on world, what the hell is going on with this game you call love?

So I have swiped, joined, even debated paying, and put myself out there in the world. What did I get in return? Nothing shy of continued loneliness. Where is my special man out there? Where are you? I swear my baggage isn’t that scary really… I mean come on no one is perfect. Well I guess I better stop begging right? So here I sit, typing my plea for all of those hopeless romantics out there that are trying not to become cynical as you continue to go on these weird Bumble or Tinder dates, or another man just isn’t ready for something comital; where are the keepers I ask? To all of those guys and gals out there going through the same struggle, know you are not alone, even though it may feel like that. I am right there with you ; holding out hope that my special someone will come along when I stop looking. But honestly, who really stops looking these days?

This hopeless romantic gal is gonna try to stick it out , hoping my spark is out there somewhere. Being hopeless is rather tiring, I hope this doesn’t take too long. I am saying it loud and clear people. I AM SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR LOVE. Not just a booty call. With that I suppose my dating, love and romantic rant will come to a close for now. Hope I didn’t embarrass myself too badly in the  process. Who knows, maybe there is a guy out there reading this blog post right now thinking, “ man I gotta find me this woman.” Here’s hoping right?


Bettie Bookworm

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Hello Guys and Dolls, and mystery visitors of the unknown.

Miss Lil' Librarian here, AKA Bettie Bookworm at your service. I took  a brief break from the blog scene to try to find my direction, and where I wanted to go with this whole thing. I didn't really come to a conclusion, but I said screw it and decided to hit the ground running again. I am slowly trying to find my place in the pinup community and branching out with more shoots, Disney trips and take far too many selfies. Either way I decided to come back swinging and start this whole thing back up again; with a name change and a hair color change I am back and ready to go.

I hope all of you are doing absolutely fabulously , getting into trouble and facing new adventures such as I had. But for some reason you decided to come back to my blog and see if I wrote anything new. Well here it is, and I guess this is considered a new entry. Now you are wondering why I decided to change my name to Bettie Bookworm… in all honesty I needed something easy and straightforward. Something that would make people be like “ oh that Bettie - Bettie Bookworm, she is such a doll !” I received some pretty great advice the other day to have a name that makes a staple in the pinup community, something with a first name to be greated with. So ladies and gentlemen  .. I am very proud to announce I am OFFICIALLY Bettie Bookworm , and will take bookings like that. My IG will still be @MissLil_Librarian for now will I try to build up street cred, but will eventually change. I am also going to be creating a working email to be contacted at with questions, photo shoots or just to chat. That will be announced soon as well.

Let me tell you a little bit about what I have been up to these last few months just to keep you updated. Yes this isn’t the most exciting post in the entire world, nor does it have incredible hair, clothing or all around everyday advice but look at it like an author’s note in a book. Gotta get a little bit of background before we get into the main chapters of the book. So my lovely guys and dolls here goes nothing.

So I left my full time job during the week to pursue my love of wine and small businesses. I now manage a wine tasting room in a small little agricultural town off the PCH. I am also going back to school to study business marketing and management to broaden my horizons a little bit for my future. I need to add more work to my resume and this is the way to do it. Despite a BA in Anthropology being interesting and so much fun to study, not a lot of people really understand, nor do they know that I actually use it every day at work.   So here goes nothing, taking a jump and crossing my fingers and wishing for a smooth ocean.

Beyond the career and school change I have had some wonderful life drama start up, yet end quickly, just enough time to shake me up a bit. With every goodbye there will be a sweet hello; so at the end of the day they may be tough and sad at the time, but you will come out with a sweet smile on the other side of things. I assume that is all part of heartbreak and part of growing up in general.  Mixed in with the soap opera that is my love life I did have some health issues. Have a chronic illness is very rough, and took me a few years to come to terms with; yet it isn’t something new to me. I handle every bad day that comes my way and try to stay strong and positive. Though I am only human ; when my health gets bad, so does my ability to stay joyful and and strong willed. So I tend to isolate, which is one of the large contributing factors of me stepping away from this whole mindless writing thing one would do on a blog. There will be a post sometime in the near future explaining to everyone what I have and how I handle it. But to be honest this author's note is rather long and it’s time for me to end it before I lose your attention.  

So with all of that word overload I bid you a fine and wonderful day. Hope to have your beautiful reading eyes again… Don’t forget a glass of wine will always do the heart some good after a long day.

XOXO, Bettie Bookworm

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Rainy Day Thoughts

The romance of the holiday season is in the air. The air is getting solder, the rain is beginning to storm outside.. and you begin to look around for someone to keep you nice and warm.

I am taking a step back from he fashion posts and schedules, this rainy Sunday(well for me), and getting into the dreamy state I find myself around this time of year. This weekend sent me straight for the candles that smell like love, a hot coco, and the warmest blanket I can find. With Thanksgiving( for the US) and Christmas( if you celebrate) fast approaching the season of my dreams is just around the corner. There is nothing like seeing the smiles of your loved ones and making the spiced alcoholic drinks that make your bellies warm and your mind just a little fuzzy. 

This time of year sparks something inside of me that I suddenly become a hopeless romantic. Which most of the year I am the farthest thing from it. All I want to do is drink warm drinks, read a good book and cuddle by the fire with someone special. I don't know about you.. but a warm body sometimes just makes everything a little better. You may disagree, being that strong independent person that you may need, the "i don't need nobody" type. But the holidays is suppose to be spent with those you love and care about, whether blood or non blood family. SO .. I encourage all of you to make this time about other people, and fall into the magical time of being loved and love others. With the rain falling outside, and my hands freezing as I am sitting here typing at my computer it all really got me thinking. I have always been one to love this time of the year, from the weather to the music. I know not everyone out there may have the same feelings, but I want to be the light in their life to turn that Grinch mentality to something Cindy LuHoo would be proud of. With all the weird and dark things going on in the world right now having something to look forward to or think about that is positive is super important. Share the love with those around you, bake something, make someone smile when they are having an awful day. Pass on the happiness and love to those who may need it the most, even if it is small.  Try to make someone laugh, cook some dinner for someone or just go see a movie. 

If you are a frequent blogger than you may or may not hear that a lot from other bloggers. I don't even consider myself one. But I thought I would send those caring and romantic vibes out into the world so you know that despite me having no idea who you may be or your history, I just want to wish you a happy and warm holiday season despite what ever holiday you may believe in. 

With Love
Miss Lil Librarian

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hey Dolls! and maybe some guys.... to the people of the anonymous internet.

Here is the posting schedule I came up with in order to have the best and most fulfilled post for all of you who decided to start reading this crazy adventure. 

My two main posts will be Sunday and Wednesday nights; meaning probably in the 9,10, 11 PM region do to the fact I have a day job, and writers block hits at the most inconvenient moments. Which means I will be reaching your beautiful eyes, and trying to make you laugh, at the beginning and middle of your weeks. That way A) you won't miss anything important, and still have a social life. And B) I can still have a social life and my posts won't become boring. ( Not that they aren't already). This whole blogging thing is all very new to me, and the winging it process is uhm well not so new. I have no idea if anyone even decided to read this whole endeavor of mine. Either way Sunday and Wednesday are going to be the all access, putting out all the stuff that I can come up with out there. That way you can start your wonderful ( not so wonderful) work weeks with a nice hit of a crazy wine drinking pinup; while also having a nice hump day treat of just the same. 

oh oh ! I almost forgot! Don't forget to comment with questions, or shoot me something with inquiries. I am pretty good at responding, if I remember to hit send button after I type something out. I am going to create an email soon for bookings as well. All will come to pass in the future. 

With Love,

Miss Lil' Librarian 

